Sunday, May 14, 2006

Mom's Day

I'm pretty sure my mom has never much cared for Mother's day. I can't put words in her mouth, but I think she dislikes the pressure it puts on other people. You, know, feeling like your family has to do something special for you just because it's mother's day. Or maybe she just doesn't like the attention? I'm not sure which it is, if either, but I'm going to go ahead and do something special for her and give her attention too...a mother's day blog entry.

Here's a picture of my mom when she was 14; wasn't she pretty!?. She still is. The last time she visited here in Atlanta, we were out for a walk around the neighborhood and we passed an older couple. The woman said to my mom "you have the most beautiful hair"! My mom smiled and said "thank you" but the woman just kept on gushing about how nice it looked. It is some pretty gray hair, mom. I'm hoping mine looks the same whenever Pam, my hairdresser, says I can stop coloring it. My guess is that date will be some time shortly after I've single handedly, fully funded Pam's retirement account.

One of my fond "mom memories" is how she was my number one fan during my high school basketball career. She would go to all of my games and cheer from the bleachers with her own made up phrase: "That a go, Carrie O." That support from the stands has continued on throughout my life. Whatever I've wanted to try or be, mom has been behind me 100 percent. And she's this way with all of her kids and grandkids.

It's pretty amazing that mom and dad will get in the car and drive for 12 hours just to come see us. And when they get here, they don't just sit around - they work in the yard or on the house as if they were contractors with a deadline. And when we're done working, mom will sit on the front porch with me and drink a glass of wine.

I have many wonderful mom memories, but here are just a few to let her know I love and appreciate her:

* she helped me make a very cool sweat suit in high school sewing class
* she used to pack my lunch every day and would write a sweet note on my napkin
* she made my prom dresses, but didn't make me where dresses when I didn't want to
* she took care of me when I had mono and when I had foot surgery
* she's always available by phone for cooking emergencies and/or reminding me how to make pie crusts
* she put together a recipe box for all of us kids that included the family meals and desserts we love
* and when I come home to visit, she always prepares my favorite dishes, like tater tot casserole.

I hope you have a terrific day, mom, and go ahead and let people be nice to you!


Anonymous said...

Dearest Carrie,
We just returned from the cinema. We saw United 93. It was an emotional movie to say the least. However, your mother's day blog was more emotional! A sincere thank you for your kind comments and memories.
People ask me how I survived with four kids so close in age. (That meant that for several years we had we had four teenagers under one roof). I loved every minute of it but not to sound too "whatever" I would reply that I have a selective memory and just remember good stuff. Perhaps you have a little of that also.
You are sooooo right about my feelings about mother's day. What a guilt trip it puts on everyone! An offspring can talk to her/his mother 364 days a year but if they don't call on mother's day watch out! Personally, EVERYDAY is mother's day for me and I'm not trying to be sappy. Also, I do dislike attention for sure.
You forgot to mention one satisfying memory - when you made a blueberry pie, crust and all, from scratch. Wish I had a piece of it right now ...... along with a glass of wine sitting on your porch with you and Katrina.
Love always, Mom

Care said...

And thanks for always letting me write about you in my blog! You are probably right that I have selective memory - but I like it that way :)

Thanks for being such a great mom!!!!

Anonymous said...

I have to add a couple of my favorites:
Mom and I would go grocery shopping (when all of my older siblings were at school). I'd sit in the cart while mom loaded up on everything we liked. When we got to the frozen food section, mom would park the cart at the end of the aisle where she could still see me, but away from the freezers so I wouldn't get cold.

One of my friends, Debbie, in first grade came over to play at our house. The next day when I saw her at school, she said, "you're so lucky! Your mom actually PLAYS with you!" And mom did - whatever we wanted to do. Sad to think how many kids grow up without anyone to play with.

Thanks & Happy Mother's Day, Mom!

Care said...

Oh! Those are good ones Mar! It made me think of another one too. Remember how mom would make bologna faces for lunch? Cut eyes, a nose and a mouth into the circle. Then take the eye cut outs to make ears. Then add some shredded carrots for hair, etc...That was fun as a kid!

Anonymous said...

Those of us that have wonderful memories of our mothers (fathers too) are extremely lucky. What a great gift from God. One of my own mom-memories is posted under Mondays Off, at 1950 Suburban Adventures, if you care to stop by.

Care said...

Thanks for stopping by MB! I'm headed over to your Suburban Adventures blog now!