Doc B. and me in Amsterdam, March, 1998
I wonder how many web logs will touch on this topic? Since I enjoy blending in with the crowd, I'll add my two cents on the subject! Please add your comments as a way to commit to what you will be resolving to do/be/change/improve in the new year.
It was hard enough to believe that I was turning 40 just over a year ago, but 2006 will be my brother's turn. He'll join me in the over 40 club on June 6th (I'll save you from doing the math and let you in on the fact that he was born on 6/6/66). Not to worry though, "The Omen" does not describe his life and his middle name is far from Damien. "They" say it's harder for men to turn 40 than for women, though I don't know if that's true. I rather reveled in it. Little brother, what are you going to do in 2006 to prepare for turning 40? The blog lines are open. I wonder what it will be like for my mom and dad to have 2 of their 4 in their 40's? Hmmmm....
In keeping with my OCD self, I use my calendar to write down my resolutions for the year. That way I can refer to them often. I usually jot down anything that comes to mind, from travel to health and everywhere in between. I've got the usual "lose 10 pounds" and "eat less popcorn". One would think if I could achieve the latter, I could accomplish the former? At least it's only 10 pounds - I remember when it was 30 or more.
I've also got "don't be such a homebody". I enjoy our home here in Atlanta so much, as well as the friends we have, that I don't always want to willingly leave it all behind. I've also never wanted to leave the pets for too long (worrying issues - more OCD). Nevermind that we have an incredible pet/housesitter, Kathy, who happens to be a vet tech, AND who charges a more than reasonable fee to stay at our house while we are gone. That being said, we already have our week-long trek to Hilton Head, SC set for April. We also have talked with two local friends about a Montana trip in August. Do a little fly fishing, a little biking, perhaps some horseback riding and of course some sightseeing in and around Yellowstone. I also talked to one of my oldest friends (well, she's not old, I've just known her since I was about 22) the other day who lives in Washington, D.C. She reports her "frequent floppers" program is up and running for 2006. According to her description, it provides each guest with a place to flop and a stocked mini-fridge. Knowing my friend for as long as I have, it likely comes with much more than that. The last time Doc. B. and I stayed with her, I think I would have described the accommodations as more of a high-end bed and breakfast! I think I'll take her up on that offer - perhaps over the MLK holiday weekend?
And lastly, though certainly not the least important item on my list, I'm going to try to take care of myself this year. That may sound simple to some of you, but it's not to an obsessive-compulsive, worrisome, "have to make sure everyone else is okay" type like me. A new sage in my life recently reminded me of something very basic. That it's really okay to dote on myself. Doc. B. is fine, my family is fine, my friends are fine - they don't need to be taken care of by me - they can take care of themselves. I need to be taken care of by me.
I haven't decided if I'm ready to share my progress on that last resolution as part of my future bloggin', but stay tuned to find out about the others for sure. And in the meantime, the blue mailbox moments, synchronicities and random thoughts/observations will continue to mount and will be recorded here!