I’m the first to admit my obsessive-compulsivity. Just last week I was explaining to some new acquaintances why I love my job. One of the reasons is that it feeds my need for order and organization. A stack of files is delivered to my desk each day and my goal is to move those files from my work station to someone else’s, as quickly, and with as much quality, as I can muster. You better believe that as soon as I completed training, I went back to my cube (so that I could begin thinking inside of my box, of course), and developed systems to help me move those case files. I’ve got it down to a science and have been affectionately dubbed, by one of my fellow trainees, “Ms. Efficiency”. I live for those terms of endearment! It is a term of endearment isn’t it?
But I was reminded again today about how obsessive and compulsive I really am. Doc. B. and I were in Office Depot to pick up a USB port. First of all, taking me into an office depot is like taking an eight year old into a candy store. Am I a freak or what? Wait; don’t answer that. After we found the USB port and I took note of all of the holiday bargains, I realized that holiday bargains means that the New Year is upon us and thus, I must have a new calendar. I have got to find a 2006 weekly organizer NOW! There is less than a month until 1/1/06 and that’s hardly enough time to sit down in a comfy chair with my beloved FranklinCovey 365 day planner mini-portfolio and transfer all of the most important information from 2005 to 2006. But alas, there was a very large lady between my goal and me. Her presence consumed the entire calendar aisle. I hovered for a while and was ready to give up when Doc. B. said “Carrie, just wait. She’ll be gone shortly and you can have the whole aisle to yourself to hunt for the right calendar.” Sometimes it just takes a normal person to put things back into perspective, doesn’t it? I waited patiently and found the calendar that will spend the next twelve months with me.
Looking forward to an OCD year…as I always do….
I chuckled over this one, CLO. I love your efficiency & organization. xxoo
I have to admit that you acquired some of your personality traits from your mother. I purchased our 2006 calendar in August!!!! How bad is that? Love, Mom
There are many more OCD traits where that came from then :)
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