Deepak Chopra - AP photo
I’ve been trying to remember to write down examples of synchronicity. They tend to be like dreams – if you don’t write them down, you forget them. Also, by writing them down, you begin to see how many there really are in your life. You can then look for the meaning in them or simply acknowledge them. Some you’ll probably say “oh, that’s just a coincidence” but others may make you think twice. Or in the case of my first example, it may just be two people who have lived together so long that they begin to think alike (and look alike I might add).
After my dad read my first two blog postings, he e-mailed me about something that had just happened to him. He and my mom are remodeling their home, inside and out. Dad had borrowed a friend’s tractor so he could churn up their entire yard and put down new grass seed. Their hope is a brand new lawn come spring. My mom has always been the lawnmower in the family (I take after her by the way – Doc. B. has never mowed our lawn). I think my mom enjoys being outside and so mowing the lawn is something she finds appealing. Well, right before my dad started up the tractor, he thought to himself: “I wonder if Lucy wants to mow the lawn one last time?” Just as Dad was thinking it, mom said out loud: “maybe I should mow the lawn one last time?” So what do you think – synchronicity or living together for 40+ years?
My aunt and uncle were visiting recently from California. In catching up with my uncle, I learned that he has been playing paddle tennis at Venice Beach several times per week. I had never heard of paddle tennis so he explained it. A few weeks later, I was at the beauty salon catching up on my celebrity trash reading. As I turned the hair-dyed pages of "People" magazine, I came across a photo of Keanu Reeves playing paddle tennis at Venice Beach. The caption read: “Venice Beach, Calif., Aug. 19 – Keanu Reeves hopes for a hit while playing paddle tennis with a friend.” Hmm...maybe I'm supposed to learn how to play this game?
During that same visit, my aunt, who is an avid reader, gave me a list of books she had read and liked. I’ve already taken her advice on one of them entitled “Good in Bed” by Jennifer Weiner. I laughed out loud and would love to loan the book to anyone who wants to borrow it. Before my aunt recommended this author, I had never heard of her. Now I see that another one of her books, “In Her Shoes”, has been made into a movie with Cameron Diaz http://www.jenniferweiner.com/). Another book that was on my aunt’s list was called “The Kite Runner” (http://www.khaledhosseini.com/). I have not yet read this book, however I was at a Cheryl Wheeler concert last week and she also mentioned how good the book was (http://www.cherylwheeler.com/noframe/bio.html). Of course I will now be going out to get this book.
Probably the best example of synchronicity that I know involves our son-in-law who sat on our dock and designed his dream stone cottage. When Malcolm and Marla eloped to Scotland they came across a stone cottage - exactly like the one he had sketched on our dock. What do you think of that? Love, Mom
Oh yeah!!! I had forgotten about that!! So true, so true! I've had a wonderful birthday, replete with phone calls and cards - I'll write about it soon :)
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