Great picture of Rumi isn’t it! I wish I could post a picture of Rumi and Maddie together but it ain’t happening any time soon. The introduction of a 15 pound, playful young cat to a 6 pound, “set-in-her-ways”, “enjoyed being an only cat for the first time in her 17 years of life” cat, has had its ups and downs (refer to “Eats, Shoots & Leaves” to determine if my punctuation was even close on that one! http://eatsshootsandleaves.com/esl.html).
We have been following various suggestions for pet introductions, all of which end with a statement that goes something like this: “you may have to face the news that some cats will never get along”. We’ll keep trying but have had to be honest with ourselves and fair to both kitties – we may have to find Rumi another home. In the meantime, if anyone has any great ideas – we are open to any and all creative suggestions.
Hi Care-O,
I'm disappointed also that they aren't getting along yet. However, I haven't given up hope. We have done everything right so far, so maybe we should just continue with the tentative introductions, and set an "intention" of Peace & Tolerance. I guess we have all of the time in the world, huh? And, who knows, maybe we will come across someone who would just love to adopt this beautiful, sweet, big boy.
You said it the best so far!!!
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