I have my Earthlink start up page set to give me local news, world news and then news from my hometown of Marshall, Michigan. I couldn't help but click on a topic from the latter entitled "Roses & Raspberries" - I had an idea of what it might be, but was pleasantly suprised when I read it. It's a section of the newspaper where people can write in to thank or bash others. We have something like that here in "The Atlanta Journal and Constitution" (or as some prefer to call it, The Atlanta urinal and constipation) entitled "the vent". But the vent is mainly full of irks and ires - people complaining about virtually everything. Most are pretty funny and are meant to be just that. But this roses and raspberries was chock full of thank you's and only one "raspberry". Here is the link if you want to see what I mean - it's very refreshing!
What will you be acknowledged for in 2006 - roses or raspberries?
The Battle Creek Enquirer would be so pleased to know that the Roses & Raspberries is being read as far away as Atlanta, Georgia! Yes, it is a nice positive read in this crazy world in which we live. Roses to you for blogging about this upbeat weekly article. Hugs, Mom
It's about as close as I can get without subscribing to the Ad-
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