Thursday, August 19, 2010

What a Difference a Month Makes

It's just a broken pot, not a broken heart

Last month I went to Michigan for my dad’s birthday and a family reunion. While there, my parents received the news that two of their friends, both of whom I’d met and liked, had been diagnosed with cancer. As of August 14th, they’re both gone. What a difference a month makes.

I’m hanging out at home with the kitty cats today, taking a break from the good gub’ment job I’m so friggin’ grateful to have but am not particularly loving at the moment. Doc B’s birthday is tomorrow so we took a couple of days off to honor that great moment in history, get some things done around the house, go to a concert tonight and just plain have some down time. That down time has allowed me to reflect on that “friggin’ gratefulness” that I’ve been feeling of late. The events of the past month have been a huge part of the thrust to keep reminding myself of how good I have it, even when I think it’s a bad day.

In addition to the tearfully sad aforementioned passings, what’s happened over the past month?

• I went to Baltimore unexpectedly for work and enjoyed a night of Maryland crab with newly met co-workers

• I vowed to lose the weight I gained while in Michigan and Baltimore and am already half way there

• Gay marriage laws in California were over-over-over-turned

• A dear friend has come out of the closet and introduced us to many of her dear friends

• A dear friend has come out of incarceration - don't get me started on the topic of our "justice" system as it relates to this dear friend please.

• A dear friend came to town for a sociology conference and brought the best dill pickles ever along with her good stories of the Christian Wrong.

• I have a lot of dear friends don’t I?

• Day-time temperatures have not dropped below the 80’s since I can remember

• The back "deck" we hated and put up with for the past ten years is gone but we still don't have a master bath (No master bath = Maddie is still on this planet - because that's her room!)

• A screened-in porch is soon to be in place just in time for the nice weather

• My hair has been dyed twice and cut once

• The aura of my hair salon has significantly improved (thanks hair salon boss for getting rid of the crazy hair stylist that operated the booth next to my beloved Pam)

• My best buds Mr. and Mrs. T had their house broken into and robbed – thankfully they were not in their home at the time

• Two new babies were born (to my yoga teacher and to a fellow yogi)

• I went to see "Salt" with Tequila (who doesn’t love salt with their Tequila? Add Angelina Jolie to the combo and for sure, what's not to love?)

• A co-worker was in a car accident but is okay

• More people than ever think Obama’s a Muslim

• Millions are homeless in Pakistan because of the floods and I still don’t have a clue how many people are homeless in America on any given day

• BP continues to sop up oil and SP continues to sop up losses for the candidates she endorses

The list is much longer I'm certain.  Like I'm already forgetting to include that we're going to go see "Eat, Pray, Love" with Julia Roberts and Javier Bardem.  But I guess you have to draw the line somewhere.  Shoot, I didn't even mention Lindsay Lohan once in my list.  To all of you...I'm grateful to have you in my life - the old friends, the new ones, my immediate family and my extended family.  Thanks for making my days overwhelmingly good even when I think they're bad.


Anonymous said...

Like your list! I should make a similar list and the first thing on it would be to eliminate the word "should" from my vocabulary!Mom

Care said...

yeah, what's that old saying? Don't should on yourself? Can't wait to have you here for coffee on the porch. Doc. B. just opened a birthday card with a very cute cat on the cover! xoxo