Thursday, April 16, 2009

three more beautiful things

1. sleeping in until 7am without a Maddie cat waking me up (wait, I like Maddie cat waking me up)

2. not having to share the popcorn with Doc. B. (wait, I like sharing the popcorn with Doc. B.)

3. taking my own lunch and beverage down to the Sea Crest Deck (wait, I like it when someone brings me lunch and a beverage).

Hmmm...I guess some beautiful things aren't always FULLY beautiful :)


Mom said...

Yea, our personal deck delivery service has been really great in years past huh? Is the deck snack bar open? Where are you at this moment? oxoxo

Care said...

Now I'd like the personal car packing service too :) I'm done in the sun for this trip - time to start getting everything ready to leave - bummer!