Monday, January 09, 2006

Triple Synchronicity

Photo courtesy of

ABORT! ABORT! Warning: Go no further if you do not want to read about abortion. Don't worry, it's nothing graphic or anything, just one pro-choicer's observations.

Abortion issues are always in the news. Even more so recently what with the Supreme Court vacancies and all. And for goodness sakes, one of my childhood football heroes, Lynn Swann, was even talking about it on the radio last week. Every now and again I listen in on Sean Hannity just to see what the other side is up to, besides no good. Sean was interviewing Lynn, a 1974 first round draft pick for the Steelers. Apparently Lynn is running for Governor of Pennsylvania - who knew. Lynn was explaining how he is Pro-Life AND Pro-death penalty? How is that possible to be both? I'm not sure - I guess I never thought about it before but it struck me as odd. Anyway, on to the triple synchronicity.

My baby sister was visiting over this past weekend. On a break from our activities, we got sucked into the movie "The Red Violin". You've probably all seen it - it chronicles the path traveled by a particular musical instrument. We then got to talking about how cool it would be if items or pets could talk. If that were possible (notice the use of the subjunctive), then we would know things like how the fire started in our house, or where our adopted pet was before Doc. B. rescued him. As we were headed out to lunch, my sister said "remind me to tell you the rumored story behind a car that is at the Henry Ford Museum" (where her husband works).

We drove over to "Thinking Man Tavern" for a bite to eat and found that most of the restaurant was occupied by a group of people stuffing envelopes and enjoying each other's company. We saw that the return envelope said "NARAL" but none of us knew what that stood for. We decided to ask one of the "stuffers" who reported that it is a national group that advocates for abortion rights. We all thought that was cool, ordered our food and promptly grabbed the stack of old trivial pursuit cards that were on the table for our enjoyment. My sister read the first question and it was "what did Maude have on her most controversial episode?" Would you believe the answer was "an abortion"? Then my sister said, this is really odd but let me go ahead and tell you about that car at the museum. It's a 1930's Bugatti Royale - which is a massive vehicle - the precursor to the Hummer no doubt. This particular specimen is thought to have belonged to a "lady's doctor" who would travel from town to town doing abortions. The car was his make-shift operating room.

I've learned not to try to figure out what the synchronicities actually mean but rather just pay attention to them. And in this case, there were three references to abortion in less than an hour...We will miss you Sandra Day O.


Anonymous said...

Interesting synchronicities! My question is regarding the abortion issue itself. How and WHY has it become a political issue? It does not belong in the public arena. It's a very private matter! Pretty soon they may legislate that I have to put toilet paper on the holder so that it comes from the back. Heaven help us!!!!

Anonymous said...

I did not intend to post anonymously. That's wimpy! Love, Mom