Doc. B. has been staying in Alpharetta all week. Why? Well, she has a horrendous drive from our house in beautiful Decatur/Oakhurst to the location of her employer (2006 marks her 20th year of employment with the same boss - unheard of these days!). It always takes her at least an hour to get to work in the mornings and sometimes takes her up to two hours to get home - make it three if there is a drop of rain, a fender-bender, a banana peel in the third lane from the left, a Braves game, a Falcons game, a Georgia Tech game, or a Hawks game - oh wait, no one goes to see the Hawks - scratch that last one.
Anyway, my former boss, who lives ten minutes from Doc. B.'s office, is on a cruise ship this week and he left his two kitties in her care. It was his great idea. If I recall, we were sitting poolside at his Alpharetta mansion drinking mojitos and dipping crackers into olive tapenade when he made the suggestion. It went something like: "hey, you could come stay here some time while I'm away and you wouldn't have to drive so far to work!" I'm sure he timed this comment just as the alcohol-soaked mint leaves were entering the parts of our respective brains that without hesitation blurt out "sure!"
Doc. B. will be home tomorrow (just in time to get to her pottery class where, by the way, she is making some very cool stuff for a beginner). We've talked during the week, just like we always do (e-mail and phone), but I'll have to find out this weekend what she really thought of living in the burbs for a week. I just can't imagine leaving our neighborhood to move to a place where "W - The President" stickers are the norm, where the women who go to Home Depot actually need to ask for help, and where the stop lights don't have homeless people waiting to wash your windshield. I prefer the stickers that say things like "F - The President" or "the T in republican stands for morality", or "why do republicans think my baby is their choice?". I prefer smiles from familiar faces when I go to the local ACE Hardware, Lowes or Home Depot. And I prefer giving a quarter to the often creative panhandlers with whom I come in contact. Just yesterday, my friend (and co-worker) and I were eating al fresco in downtown Atlanta on the lunch hour. I agreed to hold the table while my friend went in to place our orders. When she came out, she said "here's your change". Sure enough, there was an urban outdoorsman waiting to help me out with that leftover cash.
I'll let you know what Doc. B. thinks of her week being a burb mouse...
Welcome Home Doc. B. How about if I make you a soy latte this weekend so that you don't miss the burbs too much? Oh, and mark your calendar for dinner with the neighbors Saturday night amid the oak trees on their back deck!
Hey there gal! I'm preparing for the big trip home to stay with my dad and aunt. It's SO true about the Atlanta traffic . . . and what about weather reports that it might could snow in three or four days? Or that it's fixin to be a storm? God forbid a tractor trailor should take a dump on the interstate!
I think that all you really need to get Doc B is one of those urban street dwellers to be her driver. The USD could take her to the burbs, go to a mall to help people dispose of their spare change while she's at work, and drive her home in the afternoon. While riding, instead of driving, Doc B could relax, take a nap, do a little correspondence or read up on her Deepak Chopra while listening to Shawn Mullins. Not a bad deal for all involved!
Well, just a thought . . . The plumber from Wil-Mac, yes it's Bob, is supposed to come out on Monday! thanks again for the referral!
Laree, you are going to have to either agree to be a guest writer on my blog or start your own! You are making this fun :) Please let us know what you think of Bob AND let us know if he fixes the plumbing. Good luck in B.C. next week while your mom is off at the spa!
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