My friend Sheila runs, but I definitely jog. Sheila has all the cool running apparel, not to mention a runner's body (you know, the kind you see on the cover of "Runner's World). But my attire clearly pegs me for a jogger. I just have some tennies purchased at the local shoe store, shoe inserts to lessen my plantar fasciitis issues, a jog bra, and some comfortable socks (the short crew kind so that the dolphin tattoo on my left ankle, that I got when I turned 30, shows - yes, I was sober when I got it). The rest is just your regular old sweat pants, t-shirts, and a variety of baseball caps from which to choose. Oh, and just for the record, Doc. B. is a runner too. She can keep up with Sheila.
I jog because it's efficient. It burns a lot of calories in a short amount of time. For the past three years, I've been getting up at 5:00am to get to my gym by the time they open at 5:30. At least a couple of times per week, I jog on the treadmill and listen to my iPod or watch CNN. The other days of the week I get on the elliptical trainer, the stair stepper, the bicycle or just walk on the treadmill. Sometimes I do weights too, but yoga has basically replaced that.
On the weekends though, Doc. B. and I jog through our neighborhood. We both really enjoy this as we can get up a little bit later, sit around and enjoy coffee on the porch, pet the kitty cats, and then head outside for the jog once the sun is warming the Oakhurst sidewalks. This past weekend we were down to the last ten minutes of our jog when a dog came running up behind us. It had a collar on and seemed very happy and playful as it ran past me. Before I knew it, the dog was running back toward me. Just as Doc. B. told me to stop and walk, the dog bit my left thigh. As soon as I stopped jogging, it ran off. I had on those tights-like shorts that come down to just above your knee so I couldn't see where he had bitten me but I didn't see any blood and it didn't hurt too badly. Doc. B. said she'd seen that dog around before and wondered about its aggressive nature. Since it didn't really hurt and the dog was gone, we jogged on home.
I checked my leg at home and the skin was not broken. There was, however, a pretty bruise in the shape of an upper set of dog's teeth. It's been just under a week now and the bruise is almost gone, but it sure was scary for a moment there. We'd report the dog if we knew where to find it or could get to the dog's tags without being mauled. I guess in the meantime, we'll continue our jogs carrying a stick, wielding some pepper spray, or wearing body armor...
Oddly enough, you may be able to identify the miscreant by calling your post office. It's possible that your letter carrier knows of this dog's address and has a hazard card in his or her case to warn others. If not, I'm sure they would appreciate the heads up to look generally for the dog you describe to them, and if they do figure it out, they might be able to let you know later. In any event, I'm sorry to hear that you had that experience, Carrie, and I'm glad the injury wasn't worse and that Doc B was there to fend off the nasty canine had it been worse.
I hadn't thought about that! The post office would for sure know about the crazed doggie :)
I too am glad the injury wasn't any worse than it was. I think I'm scared emotionally but luckily I have a great therapist!
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