I lied to a Girl Scout on Saturday. Well, it was really more of an exaggeration. Doc B. and I were at the Whole Foods grabbing a few organic food fixin’s to counteract the effect of the cookies I’d eaten during the prior week. As we were leaving, a fully badged Girl Scout and her mother were setting up their table of “extras” in front of the Border’s Bookstore. I’m pretty sure this 12 year old Scout had earned the coveted “top saleswoman” circular-shaped badge and had it meticulously stitched right to the top of her sash. The snappy little saleswoman politely approached me and inquired if I would like to purchase some cookies. I responded loudly enough for the mom to hear: “Oh, thanks for asking but I ate an entire box just yesterday”. It got a laugh from the mother, but I’m not sure it went over so well with the young lady who will probably become the next Meg Whitman, or will at least be driving a pink Cadillac from her Mary Kay sales.
My mom will have to fill in the gaps on this as my memory is not always so good – plus, the more I tell stories over my lifetime, the further I come from the truth. The way I like to remember it is that my mom and I quit Girl Scouts together. We went on this awful camping trip and I think it must have been mutual that we didn’t really want to do it again. If there’s more of a story there, mom, please feel free to expand and/or invoke the embellishment rule for this blog!
Cheers to Girl Scouts and Girl Scout cookie addicts everywhere! For the latter, there must be a twelve step program that begins with admitting you are powerless over those darned cookies – well I am…
Photos courtesy of Girlscouts.org

1 comment:
Those Girl Scouts for sure have something they put out into the universe every March!
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