Just a short note to all of my friends that I'm going to Michigan momentarily to attend my grandpa's funeral. He passed away on Tuesday at just a couple of weeks shy of 92. He was a wonderful man with clever sayings, a twinkle in his blue eyes, and a grin that I will never forget.
My favorite saying was: "you should have called to tell me you were coming so that I could be gone." Well, I talked to Grandpa on Thanksgiving day but I didn't tell him I was coming...but he's gone...and I will remember him with a huge smile in my heart. Cheers (with a sprite) to my last grandparent passing on...
I'm so glad that I got to meet your Grandpa O, Care-O. I remember him using his favorite saying when I first met him, and he had a demeanor that he was up to something. I know that you often say that you come by your sense of humor via your family. Its part of your personality that I'll appreciate more (maybe even your personal twist on inappropriate humor : ) ) knowing that it is one of Grandpa O's legacies.
Thanks Doc. B. :) It's hard to control the sense of humor issues that have been passed on through the gene pool!!!
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