I've always found it easier to write during a period of angst. Come on now you psychology majors, say it with me like Carl Jung would, with an umlaut over the "a"...ah-ngst....
Well, 138 blog entries and 17 full journals later, I can officially confirm that for the past 8 years, I've been in a long, drawn out, down to my stem cells, period of ANGST....
I NEVER wrote during the Clinton years unless it was checks, love letters, birthday cards, or loan applications. On the other hand, for the past 8 years I've written like a newspaper gossip columnist covering the lives of Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie and Jennifer Aniston. And now it seems I have nothing of any substance to share other than the "what are you doing now" statements on Facebook.
My days since the election have been filled with work that I love SO much more knowing that I'll have a new boss as of 1/20/09. So since I only have the exasperation, I mean inspiration, of George for 55 more days, I thought I better at least jot down some thoughts/questions. Perhaps they'll become full blown blog entry topics at a later date. Like when I become depressed and inconsolable because John Lewis won't send me VIP inauguration tickets.
1. Why is there always one person within a couple who is in charge of blattodea and rodentia?
2. Why does that one person in charge use a trash bag, turned inside out (like the people who pick up their dog's poop) to remove the deceased rodentia (mouse) from the basement?
3. Is a Kroger bag, turned inside out, just as safe as one of those red hazardous material bags?
4. How is it that two of my facebook friends, who don't know each other, both posted that they made pot roasts on Sunday?
5. Aren't olfactory memories cool? I have them when I open the spice cabinet, when I'm at the Candler Park MARTA station and Edward's Baking Company is in full swing, and when I'm out in a woodsy area after a rainfall.
6. To avoid traffic on the perimeter today, I took back roads home from the dentist. How is it that I just randomly passed the new Drepung Loseling Monastery, Center for Tibetan Buddhist Studies, when I'd always wondered where it was?
7. How can I have had the same routine with the same cat for over 20 years?
8. How did I get suckered into taking care of the chickens over Thanksgiving? What happened to "cluck out of luck?"
If you have the answers to any of these questions, please share them with me. In the meantime, I hope you all have a memorable thanksgiving.

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