I've got several synchronicities to document so indulge me please (or move on to your next e-mail that is likely much less interesting than this one!).
Before I left for work travel last month, I had been arguing with Emory Animal Hospital about Maddie's thyroid pills. All I wanted was a simple refill of her medication so that I could leave Doc. B. with plenty while I was away. But they insisted that I bring Maddie in for blood work AND that we wait for the results BEFORE they would release a refill. This was despite the fact that I'd had multiple conversations with the Vets about why the heck, other than for $$$$ sake, do we keep poking a 6 pound kitty for blood, AND stressing me out, just to learn that her thyroid levels aren't right? I finally convinced (read: begged) them to at least GIVE me the medication when I brought little Maddie in for the blood work so that I (read: Doc. B.) wouldn't have to go back a second time just to pick up the same medication they've been giving me for the last 5 years. When I finally got home, with the meds in my hot little hand, next door neighbor (affectionately now known as "Chicken Lady") reported that her kitty had just passed away (rest her soul) and did I want the kittie's left over thyroid medicine? ERGHHHHHHHH! Oh, and did I want to come in and see the new baby chickens she'd adopted before I headed off on my trip (thus the new nickname)? I passed on the latter but took the former.
So the next morning, I get on a Delta flight and open up the Sky Magazine only to discover that New Mexico is the main topic. And New Mexico's state flag, the Zuni Sun Symbol (that is now part of the new tattoo on my ankle), is all over the magazine (as shown above).
Then later last month I traveled to Michigan where one of my mom's friend's talked about having a relative that was a glass blower by trade. When I got home, Doc. B. described a dream about being a glass blower. Mind you, I hadn't mentioned the glass blowing profession....
The next day, Doc. B. and I were chatting in front of the t.v. when the topic of heart defibrillators randomly came up. I kid you not, as soon as we ended the discussion, a commercial came on television about heart defibrillators....
Also while in Michigan, I apparently made a comment to another one of my mom's friends about wishing we'd had a woman (read: Hillary) in the white house. And what happened when I came home - John McCain added a woman to his ticket. And his "crook" decision (as one of my co-worker's so eloquently put it) has now cost me therapy money. Yes, I spent 45 of my 55 minute therapy session last night expressing my disgust. My therapist and I decided that I needed to write about it. Synchronicitously, when I got home from therapy, I found an e-mail from my favorite male yoga instructor about that very subject. He expressed that Palin was the wrong choice to be the second in command of our country and that he felt led to express that in writing.
So my next entry will be about my strong feelings related to the upcoming election. I'll give you fair warning so that if you think you'll be offended, you can burn before reading, or burn after reading if curiosity gets to you first...
Hey my little "Spartan- Wolverine- turned-Georgia-Peach!"
First, your blogs are ever anything but boring or uninteresting... I have explained to you more than once that I am always so excited to see one of your emails in my In-Basket! This one was no exception.
I keep vacilating back-and-forth about my feelings concerning this maverick decision on John McCain's part. Do I think it was a crafty decision on his part - ABSOLUTELY. Do I think it's wise for American women to vote for him just because he has a woman running with him? Based on what kind of toll this job has proven to take on its past holders (just look at how each President has aged in the past), and the fact that he could take the oath as the oldest President ever, "OH MY GOODNESS, NO!!" Sarah Palin is just not the person I want representing this Country!!
Of course I have a plethera of other reasons, but that's for another time...
In the meantime, hope everything is going very well for you and Doc B, and the kid. I am still in the middle of "Republican country," but things on the job front are very bleak, so it looks like I will probably be returning to my home in the South!!
JS :)
Thanks for getting me revved up again Ms. Hoosier!! I'll send you a note under separate cover to commiserate with you some more!! Miss you bunches!!!!
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