I've received a couple thousand e-mails imploring me to get back on the horse, or in this case the slow pony, and get some blogging done. Okay, so it wasn't a couple thousand, but it was a couple.
I must admit, I did miss my writing during the entire month of August. I didn't even write in my journal. But I can say I was lovin' life, doing the following: watching the Olympics; trying to pick my jaw up off the floor after finding out about John Edwards' affair; traveling to Baltimore for work; visiting my baby sis and the Postmaster General's significant other in D.C.; sending kisses over the phone to the Casio Camera customer service department; visiting middle sis, M&D (that's Mom and Dad), gramps, and tons of other friends and family in Michigan; watching the democratic national convention; noticing synchronicities; wondering when Kwame Kilpatrick would plead guilty; having a funeral for Dwight the fish; adopting two little turtles; trying to pick my jaw up off the floor after finding out about Sarah Palin being nominated for republican VP; refelcting on my responsibilites as a community organizer; questioning my high school basketball nickname of "sweet shot" (would we still have lost the 1981 Girls Michigan State Basketball Championship if it were "baracuda"?); and sending Doc B. off on a meditation retreat in Massachusetts after 45th birthday festivities.
Let me expand on just a couple of these activities, since a couple of you want to know...
First, props to my Dad for not only letting me watch the democratic convention in his house, but for making me popcorn during Hillary's sisterhood of the traveling pantsuits night. And when we drove for a couple of hours to go visit gramps, he didn't even press the pre-set radio station button for the Rush Limbaugh show. Oh, and he took photos of the whole trip for me since Casio was sending me a replacement part for my camera. Now there's a Dad who loves his daughter despite her political faults. (Dad, call me when you get a chance, like maybe later this month on my birthday, and I'll explain the word "props" - don't worry, it's a good thing).
Second - What happened to Dwight and what's the scoop with turtles you might ask? Turns out that, unlike Twinkies (nutrayami loafasami for CEL's benefit), Beta fish have a "shelf life." Mr. Dwight was with us for almost two years and it was his time. As for the turtles, it was one of those synchronicities I was monitoring. Remember the last blog topic about my turtle tattoo? Well, shortly after I got the tattoo, a co-worker of Doc B.'s decided she was going to get some real turtles for her aquarium. If she ordered 6, it would be cheaper, but she only wanted two. So we got talked into taking two and another co-worker took two. We'll likely try to convince Doc B.'s co-worker to take them back at some point, but in the meantime, they ARE kinda fun. The best part was naming them. Doc B. let me have that responsibilty and I took it very seriously. In a truely sexist fashion, I decided that the smaller of the two turtles was a female and that we'd call her "Christy" - short for "Christy Turtleington". The larger one, an assumed male, would be called "Jethro" short for "Jethro Turtull." Dad, or anyone else for that matter, you can call or e-mail me about this and I'll explain why this is supposed to be funny. Or wait, better yet, you can click on these links:
Okay, so that's only a couple of updates about the month of August, but I've got to go watch John McCampaign accept the nomination for president....
uh...seems like we're real slow in getting together. Can not even believe I missed Katrina's birthday. She didn't get her birthday song...hMMM, I must remedy!. BOy do we have some BIG OLE catchin' up to do!
Love you guys,
I'm still just as crazy about em as ever!
YES CEL! We are SLOW in getting together and now you're probably all engrossed in school! Speaking of that - what's the name of the table that kids use in montessori? Starts with an "h" but I can't remember what it's called. do you have any idea what I'm talking about? I'll e-mail you separately...cause we need to catch up anyway - you're right!
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