Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Happy 44th Birthday to me :)

It’s my birthday and I’ll whine if I want to…and then I’ll drink wine later I’m sure!

That was it for my pleasantries so here’s your warning: stop reading now if you’re not up for politicking…

I’ve always been a bleeding heart and that’s usually followed by the word liberal. Since I can remember, I’ve had the unpleasant ability to physically feel the pain of animals who are being abandoned or abused, kids who are being bullied or teased, elderly people who are struggling to make ends meet, homeless wanting money, alcoholics who can't stop drinking, veterans who come home from war and are treated like crap, women with difficult choices to make, men who cry (because I figure it's for a damn good reason), and people who are sick and disabled. I can’t help but put myself in their shoes – no matter how hard I try not to. It’s one of the reasons I’ve never wanted children. As cute as I know my kid would be (smile), I just don’t know that I could deal with the cruelty of children let alone the world he or she’d be stuck in as an adult. And the thought of having an 18 year old son (not to mention my nephews) going to sign up for the selective service makes me sick to my stomach. And it’s also why, after going into social work as a profession, I tried every aspect of it and then wanted out of it. I learned very quickly that I couldn’t handle being so close to the people or animals that trigger all this anger and sadness in me. I guess it’s selfish, but it’s how I’m taking care of myself. I examine the life stories of people with disabilities all day long and then, if they meet the criteria, I make sure they get a disability check. But I never see them in person and that works best for me at this point in my life.

So, if you didn’t already know it or figure it out, I’m a pro-gay rights, pro-choice (and that, by the way, does NOT translate to pro-abortion), pro-stem cell research, pro-health care for all, pro-non-privatized Social Security, pro-save Social Security, peacenik, public servant, Democrat. I’ll answer to any of those.

But if I really took some time to research it and think about it, I’d probably discover that I’m more of a fiscal conservative which would, I guess, be a Republican "trait." I like the thought of earning your own way and paying less in taxes to a big old government system. But I’ve become one of those government workers and I've had it made easy for me in life. My parents helped prepare me for this world while others haven’t had that kind of assistance. And I can’t ignore that. It’s why I find some merit in the whole fair tax movement. I guess I could go ahead and call myself an Independent who thinks regressive taxes are just plain ridiculous. Why should people with a higher ability to pay taxes pay less?

Bottom line, I’m not afraid to agree with other party platforms, but it’s not enough. As long as women risk the chance of losing their right to choose, as long as Doc. B. can’t collect on some of my benefits when I die but three-time divorced straight couples can collect on all of their ex-spouse’s benefits, as long as children are still being neglected and abused while the children’s protective services workers who protect them are barely getting by on their rinky-dink salaries, and as long as there are schizophrenic homeless diabetic amputees living under the overpass just a mile from the Carter Center, I’ll be voting Democratic.

If you’re a Republican and have always been one – I don’t understand you and I know I can’t convert you - just like you can’t convert me. But what I REALLY don’t understand are the so-called "undecided" and the lifelong democrats who "aren’t sure" who they’re voting for. After 8 years of George Bush, what decision is left? And if you’ve been a Democrat all your life, how can you be unsure…unless it’s pure racism and you just can’t bring yourself to vote for a black man. Either you believe in the Democratic Party or you don’t – period. Like what’s up with Lynn Forester de Rothschild? How can you be an over-the-top, passionate Hillary Clinton for president supporter and then, just because Hillary loses the nomination, decide you’re voting for McCain/Palin? Oh yeah, it’s because you just don’t like Obama and think he’s an elitist. Well, I haven’t been all that wild about some of my Democratic voting options both nationally and locally but it doesn’t mean I’m going to change what I believe in. So what if the candidate isn’t exactly who you want, so what if he’s not the color you’d like him to be, so what…ever. But at least Lynn admits what she’s doing. Because apparently there’s yet another group of voters that I just don’t get – those who lie to the pollsters by saying they’re going to vote for Obama but once they go into the polling booth they’ll select McCain. The theory is that they want to "look good" to the pollsters and their friends by saying they’re "advanced" and cool enough to vote for a black candidate, but that racism will rear its unattractive cranium once a ballot’s in their hand.

One of my buds suggested I’d been living in Atlanta too long and that perhaps I’d forgotten how white the rest of America really is. And other buds have called me out for making racist-like comments throughout my life. Well, I won’t deny that I’ve had my moments when I’ve been pissed off or frustrated at the actions of a person of some "other race." But more often than not, I tend to be just as angry with the actions of people in my own race. So, if being angry at the actions of others, regardless of their race, makes you racist, I’m guilty.

But more than guilt, I feel embarrassed. How can it be 2008, in the hometown of Martin Luther King, Jr., and there still be such obvious dividing lines between the races? Atlanta is made up of over 5 million people, more than half of whom are black (and 13% of whom are gay, by the way). The U.S. of A. has 300 million people and only 13% are black (oh, and about 2% are gay). So clearly I live in a skewed section of America. But it’s just painful to witness sometimes. It puts me right back in that place I don’t want to be, in the midst of an anger trigger.

So, I’ll be sad, disgusted, embarrassed and angry if McCain and Palin win. But, as you can probably tell by now, I won’t be surprised. I know my influence on the way others vote is nil and that most of the time I'm preaching to the converted anyway. But I just hope that everyone thinks about what’s important to them and that then they actually go vote. I’ve thought about it and I know what’s important to me. I hate that we’re in the midst of a war. And I hate that topics like gay rights and abortion have become part of politics at all. But those are the things I feel most strongly about. The man who voted against the war, supports civil unions and won’t nominate a supreme court justice that will screw up Roe v. Wade is getting my vote.

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Synchronicity Update

I've got several synchronicities to document so indulge me please (or move on to your next e-mail that is likely much less interesting than this one!).

Before I left for work travel last month, I had been arguing with Emory Animal Hospital about Maddie's thyroid pills. All I wanted was a simple refill of her medication so that I could leave Doc. B. with plenty while I was away. But they insisted that I bring Maddie in for blood work AND that we wait for the results BEFORE they would release a refill. This was despite the fact that I'd had multiple conversations with the Vets about why the heck, other than for $$$$ sake, do we keep poking a 6 pound kitty for blood, AND stressing me out, just to learn that her thyroid levels aren't right? I finally convinced (read: begged) them to at least GIVE me the medication when I brought little Maddie in for the blood work so that I (read: Doc. B.) wouldn't have to go back a second time just to pick up the same medication they've been giving me for the last 5 years. When I finally got home, with the meds in my hot little hand, next door neighbor (affectionately now known as "Chicken Lady") reported that her kitty had just passed away (rest her soul) and did I want the kittie's left over thyroid medicine? ERGHHHHHHHH! Oh, and did I want to come in and see the new baby chickens she'd adopted before I headed off on my trip (thus the new nickname)? I passed on the latter but took the former.

So the next morning, I get on a Delta flight and open up the Sky Magazine only to discover that New Mexico is the main topic. And New Mexico's state flag, the Zuni Sun Symbol (that is now part of the new tattoo on my ankle), is all over the magazine (as shown above).

Then later last month I traveled to Michigan where one of my mom's friend's talked about having a relative that was a glass blower by trade. When I got home, Doc. B. described a dream about being a glass blower. Mind you, I hadn't mentioned the glass blowing profession....

The next day, Doc. B. and I were chatting in front of the t.v. when the topic of heart defibrillators randomly came up. I kid you not, as soon as we ended the discussion, a commercial came on television about heart defibrillators....

Also while in Michigan, I apparently made a comment to another one of my mom's friends about wishing we'd had a woman (read: Hillary) in the white house. And what happened when I came home - John McCain added a woman to his ticket. And his "crook" decision (as one of my co-worker's so eloquently put it) has now cost me therapy money. Yes, I spent 45 of my 55 minute therapy session last night expressing my disgust. My therapist and I decided that I needed to write about it. Synchronicitously, when I got home from therapy, I found an e-mail from my favorite male yoga instructor about that very subject. He expressed that Palin was the wrong choice to be the second in command of our country and that he felt led to express that in writing.

So my next entry will be about my strong feelings related to the upcoming election. I'll give you fair warning so that if you think you'll be offended, you can burn before reading, or burn after reading if curiosity gets to you first...

Thursday, September 04, 2008

August 2008

I've received a couple thousand e-mails imploring me to get back on the horse, or in this case the slow pony, and get some blogging done. Okay, so it wasn't a couple thousand, but it was a couple.

I must admit, I did miss my writing during the entire month of August. I didn't even write in my journal. But I can say I was lovin' life, doing the following: watching the Olympics; trying to pick my jaw up off the floor after finding out about John Edwards' affair; traveling to Baltimore for work; visiting my baby sis and the Postmaster General's significant other in D.C.; sending kisses over the phone to the Casio Camera customer service department; visiting middle sis, M&D (that's Mom and Dad), gramps, and tons of other friends and family in Michigan; watching the democratic national convention; noticing synchronicities; wondering when Kwame Kilpatrick would plead guilty; having a funeral for Dwight the fish; adopting two little turtles; trying to pick my jaw up off the floor after finding out about Sarah Palin being nominated for republican VP; refelcting on my responsibilites as a community organizer; questioning my high school basketball nickname of "sweet shot" (would we still have lost the 1981 Girls Michigan State Basketball Championship if it were "baracuda"?); and sending Doc B. off on a meditation retreat in Massachusetts after 45th birthday festivities.

Let me expand on just a couple of these activities, since a couple of you want to know...

First, props to my Dad for not only letting me watch the democratic convention in his house, but for making me popcorn during Hillary's sisterhood of the traveling pantsuits night. And when we drove for a couple of hours to go visit gramps, he didn't even press the pre-set radio station button for the Rush Limbaugh show. Oh, and he took photos of the whole trip for me since Casio was sending me a replacement part for my camera. Now there's a Dad who loves his daughter despite her political faults. (Dad, call me when you get a chance, like maybe later this month on my birthday, and I'll explain the word "props" - don't worry, it's a good thing).

Second - What happened to Dwight and what's the scoop with turtles you might ask? Turns out that, unlike Twinkies (nutrayami loafasami for CEL's benefit), Beta fish have a "shelf life." Mr. Dwight was with us for almost two years and it was his time. As for the turtles, it was one of those synchronicities I was monitoring. Remember the last blog topic about my turtle tattoo? Well, shortly after I got the tattoo, a co-worker of Doc B.'s decided she was going to get some real turtles for her aquarium. If she ordered 6, it would be cheaper, but she only wanted two. So we got talked into taking two and another co-worker took two. We'll likely try to convince Doc B.'s co-worker to take them back at some point, but in the meantime, they ARE kinda fun. The best part was naming them. Doc B. let me have that responsibilty and I took it very seriously. In a truely sexist fashion, I decided that the smaller of the two turtles was a female and that we'd call her "Christy" - short for "Christy Turtleington". The larger one, an assumed male, would be called "Jethro" short for "Jethro Turtull." Dad, or anyone else for that matter, you can call or e-mail me about this and I'll explain why this is supposed to be funny. Or wait, better yet, you can click on these links:


Okay, so that's only a couple of updates about the month of August, but I've got to go watch John McCampaign accept the nomination for president....