Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Simple Pleasures - Lupini Beans

Yesterday, I was thinking about my life’s simple pleasures. What do I mean by simple pleasures? You know, those foods and products that make your life more pleasant. Perhaps some of you have items you would consider as such?

Cetaphil Lotion with SPF 15 and Parsol 1789. I’ve got a skin condition called melasma that causes dark spots on my face. The dermatologist helped me get rid of the worst of it and said I really needed to protect myself better from the sun’s rays. So every morning, I put Cetaphil lotion ( on my face and neck - now ready to brave the Atlanta sun. Yes, it’s a little on the expensive side, but I don’t have to use all that much so it lasts a long time.

Blue Corn Naturals pure beeswax candles: Just the plain candles have a wonderful beeswax scent but I particularly like the aromatherapy candles – they aren’t too strong and they come in a variety of helpful fragrances.

The Chopra Center “Kapha” products. Do you know what your dosha is? Go to this link and find out:

Papermate Felt Tip Pens. I remember my dad using a black pen of this type while I was growing up. I think he prefers "Sharpies" now as he always seems to have one in his pocket. My boss at my last job favored the blue felt tip. I will use any color – they make me happy.

Marinated Lupini Beans. Has anyone heard of these before? They are an Italian treat that took me 40 years to discover. The Local Whole Foods has an olive bar and there is one blend of olives that includes this yellow, flat, crunchy bean-like thing that I just love. I finally tracked down what they were then couldn’t find them elsewhere in the store. Doc B. finally found them in a specialty store a couple of weeks ago so now I have my own jar and a second addiction – second to olives that is.

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