I like to note just who in the world is using the word synchronicity. You just don't hear the average Joe using it in a sentence let alone making it part of his everyday speaking. So I tuned right in when I heard a band member use it in a radio interview last week. The band was "Carbon Leaf" and they were chatting with Barnes on 92.9/DaveFM. Barnes said he was channel surfing and landed on Dr. Phil, who he apparently never watches (yeah, right Barnes). The band was on Dr. Phil as a success story. Barnes loved them and wanted to get them on the Atlanta airwaves. So when one of the band members remarked that it was "synchronicity" that brought them on the air with Barnes, you can imagine that I was hooked and was going to keep on listening. I enjoyed their music and have since checked out their web site - they have some well done cover songs, but one of their own hits is entitled "A Life Less Ordinary".
Carbon Leaf Link
DaveFM is a revamped radio station in town that brought back one of my favorite DJ's, Steve Barnes. He used to be on 99X, but I can't stand that station anymore - the music just plain gives me a headache - a sure sign that my music tastes are maturing. Well, except for when I listen to Gwen Stefani's "Luxurious", just to hear the "Cha-ching" part of her catchy little tune (FYI - "Ka-ching" is my nickname for Doc. B.). Plus, I like the fact that DaveFM kept Mara Davis, another favorite DJ. And now they've added Shawn Mullins as the "voice of DaveFM".
Shawn is my one brush with fame. It's easy to run into him around here considering he only lives less than a mile from me, but my "brush" with him was in New Mexico. A couple of friends and I were visiting Santa Fe for a long weekend about 8 or 9 years ago. One of those friends knows Shawn so when we found out that he was playing a couple of shows out there, and that he and his sidekick (Roadie) were traveling out of their van, we offered up the pull out bed to the man and his dog. The next day we took him along with us on a hike of Bandelier National Monument - incredible if you've never seen it, by the way...
And listen to Shawn's music - he's a great singer/songwriter....
DaveFM link
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Hey Carrie! Remember that the Police also had an album titled Synchonicity, and it was one of the four CDs that were in the basement when you visited. Unfortunately, the CD player acts up, so you probably didn't get a chance to listen to it again while you were here, but maybe that would be worth an hour sometime to see what's there! I don't know whether Sting is a Deepak devotee, but you or Doc B probably do.
Hi Ms Laree (notice not period after the Ms since it is not an abbreviation for anything!). I had not even made the connection that it was one of the CD's downstairs in your apartment! Now I'm going to have to do some research to determine if Sting is into that kind of stuff...hmmmm...
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