Sunday, March 20, 2011

Little Bunny Foo Foo

me and baby brother

I want one Million dollars for that rolling rabbit!

oh look, the cat likes the fake bunny!

With little Maddie Cat in a better place, it’s time for me to move back to a self-deprecating mode. Let’s start with a children’s poem to get us back in the groove.

"Little Bunny Foo Foo
Hopping through the forest
Scooping up the field mice
And bopping them on the head!
Down came the Good Fairy, and she said:
Little Bunny Foo Foo
I don't wanna see you
Scooping up the field mice
And bopping them on the head!
I will give you three chances,
Then POOF you're a Goon".

The well-known moral of this story is “Hare today, goon tomorrow.” Personally, I prefer a different moral to this story as outlined in the book “Lenore, The Cute Dead Girl: Noogies.” In this book, after being chastised by the fairy, Little Bunny Foo Foo starts bopping other animals on the head. The Fairy reappears to remind Little Bunny Foo Foo that you’re not supposed to bop ANY animals on the head. At which point Little Bunny Foo Foo bops the fairy on the head. The moral of this version of the story is “be more specific.”

In our household, I tend to be the whiner, specifically. Sure, Doc B. will complain now and again, but my bouts tend to be more pouty with intermittent lashing out. All that anger and generalized repression has to come out somehow…and sooner or later.

So when I get in one of those moods, Doc. B. (lovingly?) refers to me as Little Bunny Foo Foo (LBFF for short and LB for even shorter). When this first became my nickname, I tried to pretend that “LB” meant “little butt.” Unfortunately, that has not been the case since approximately 8th grade, but who’s measuring? Apparently the neighborhood has a lock on my dimensions because the butt factor was confirmed again for me this afternoon. While bending over to pull weeds on our busy street this morning, only one car honked and whistled. I could swear I heard Sir Mix-a-Lot thumping some bass in the speakers with a remixed rendition of “Baby Got Back.” The “I like big butts and I cannot lie” part of the lyrics stood out like a sore gluteus maximus.

Anyway, as you can see from the baby pictures above, I have an early connection to bunnies. I think I’ll continue to see that as a good thing, butt or no butt.


Anonymous said...

Sure do love looking at such adorable pictures. Wonder who took them? A clue .... he still has a camera nearby at all occasions :)

Care said...

It's a good thing he has that camera or he'd miss alot of shots! Like of the yellow slug bugs!