Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Slip Slidin' Away

Slide shows are in the love/hate category for me. I hate to think about sitting through one of them, but I always love that I did...especially when the slide show includes pictures of me! And I love it even more so when the photos evoke memories, a funny title for the picture, or a good guess at what was going on when the picture was taken.

When I was at Hilton Head with family last month, Dad brought with him a slide show of sorts. He had taken a bunch of old slides, converted them to photos, and put them on a jump drive. I was a bit hesitant when he suggested he just copy the pictures to my laptop, but I’ve looked at these images several times since then and am glad to have a piece of family history in my possession.

Seems like I’ve been watching my Dad’s slide shows since I was in the womb…well, now I have proof that’s true. If my calculations are correct, the above photos were taken by my mother when she was pregnant with me – and that’s Dad there next to the slide projector. Also in the photo: my paternal grandparents and my uncle – my uncle was probably almost 4 years old in these pictures and, get this, he’s four years older than I am. So despite my poor math skills, I was able to put two and two together and get nine months.

The slide show in Hilton Head was really quite nice. My Dad even made me popcorn so it could be just like the old days. I loved seeing all of these memory-provoking photos, and of course being the first born, most were of me. What does this mean? It means there are now mucho opportunities for me to add some of my favorite self-effacing humor to my blog – by posting embarrassing photos of myself.

Stay tuned for the Blue Mailbox slide show. Check the blog when you feel like it and I’ll try to post on a more regular basis. As always – thanks for reading.

Note: see if you can find all of these items in the two photos above:
  • record player
  • bean bag ash tray
  • pack of cigarettes
  • movie screen
  • pearls
  • cat-eye glasses
  • funky lamp
  • t.v. tray
  • the ubiquitous fruit crate (ubiquitous in my family that is!)
  • refrigerator (pink and stainless combined?)


Leona said...

I found all the items..do I win a prize? :-)

Great pictures!

Care said...

yes, you win a fruit crate!

Anonymous said...

Egads, I was pregnant and allowed smoking in the house!?! ... actually it was a pink trailer - inside and out. Albert was the smoker and my new father-in-law so I probably had no choice:) Albert stopped smoking cold turkey when his dad died and Albert lived to be almost 92 years old. Love, Mom

Care said...

Mom, it was the 60's - it's okay! Plus, I have wonderful memories of that bean bag ashtray - especially how it always sat on the dash board of Grandpa's truck next to his pack of Camels (I think it was Uncle C. that had the Pall Mall's?)

Unknown said...

Wow...beanbag ashtrays bring back memories. I smiled but boy were they stinky I moved they all around my house growing up. that fridge would be pretty awesome if it were energy saver. the stories are great and so are the pictures.

Care said...

Thanks K! I don't remember those ashtrays being stinky - I do remember the smell of my grandfather's tobacco and strangely it always brings back good memories - crazy huh!