Many of you have asked me about the "ubiquitous fruit crates" that I mentioned in a recent post. Well, the above picture about sums it up. This is a picture of my young father down on the farm, moving crates full of fruit (thus the term fruit crate). My Dad is a retired 36th generation fruit farmer (okay, maybe only like 6th generation or something like that). He retired at the ripe (get it, ripe, as in ripe fruit?) old age of (approximately) 21, when he got his college degree from Michigan State University (Go Spartans!). Okay, I guess I'm done with parentheticals this go around. Who knew he could drive a tractor? I guess I should have known given the fact that my quadruplet cousins were driving tractors by about the age of two.
Fruit crates are a part of my life. In our clan, they are considered high-end shelving units. I'm sure I had my stereo system, eight track player included, loaded onto a fruit crate stand at one time or another. And they made the perfect storage container for all of my albums and 45’s. When I moved to my college dormitory room, I loaded my life into fruit crates. And now in my adult life, fruit crates are on the workbench holding tools, in the basement holding emergency food rations, and in the shed holding lord knows what (that shed needs a good cleaning).
Fruit crates are obviously in my blood. I wonder what else is in my blood. Hmm…old homes.
My Dad had me stripping wallpaper in 100 year old Victorian houses since before I could walk. His idea of a great weekend was climbing up a ladder to scrape exterior paint (he did one side of the house per year as I recall - I'm sure he'll correct me if I'm wrong). And while Victorian homes are grand and beautiful and I grew up in one, my true love is the 1920’s Arts and Crafts era homes. We now live in one such home, and below is the house my mother grew up in. Guess it makes sense that old homes are also in my blood.
What’s in your blood?
Cutting hair. Want to test this out? :) or just a good haircut.
Kristen reminded me that I like fruit crate labels.
Holly, I'm not too keen on testing this out - but Pam sure does work some magic on me :) And I'm with you on the fruit crate labels!
Dad says: How about the way we used them to go on our family van vacations. We would put 4 crates down, then a sheet of 4 x 8 plywood, and top it off with a mattress. Crates would be full of stuff and there would be room for other things to go under the plywood. Of course you kids did not need seat belts in those olden days.
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