The above vaccination record is hard to read, but trust me it begins with an office visit on 7/12/88 when she was just 8 weeks old. She was an addition to the family at the time. My friend Tina and I had already adopted Murphy a few weeks earlier (who lived to be a sweet old man of 17) and she was taking him in for a check-up. When Tina arrived at the vet's office - Log Cabin Animal Hospital in Battle Creek, MI - she discovered that the previous night, a litter of four kittens had been dropped off at their doorstep. Tina couldn't resist putting a hold on Maddie (whom she wanted to name Byron, but thank goodness Maddie turned out to be a girl). We brought her home when she was just four weeks old. Tina, to this day, continually repeats the statement "and I picked her out." And who wouldn’t want to claim credit for this cat that was so dang cute and lovable? She would amble up to just about anyone and always wanted to be in your face, literally. She would climb up your pant leg or even the drapes just to kiss, okay lick, your cheek. This was probably because the first 4 weeks of her life were spent with the happy women at the vet's office. These bubbly ladies must have loved and doted on the entire litter. Oh, and we figure they must have made coffee every morning too because, since she was a kitten, Maddie would come running to the kitchen every time she smelled mocha java brewing.

This is the first house that Maddie ever lived in, on St. Mary's Lake in Battle Creek, and the first house that I ever owned. I bought it for $12,000 and also got an $8000 home equity line so that I could do some upgrades. I think the house cost was exactly the same as the price tag on my very OWN first new car - a Pontiac Sunbird. I purchased that sporty red car (along with a “bra” for the front bumper) with money from my first job AND with money from the very bad deal I made on selling the Ford Pinto that my parents gave me. Okay, Dad...I know I made a bad deal, but thanks for not being too mad at me - it did help out a fellow employee at the Cristo Rey Community Center before he crashed it a few months after buying it.

Maddie’s had a number of nicknames over the years (Mad Dog, Madder, Maddie Maddie Kitty Catty, Toonces, Chicken, Tuna, Tuna Breath, and Sweet Feet to name a few). But in all of her 21 years, she’s only had one favorite toy. It's never been lost this whole entire time. Here’s a picture of Maddie with "Bag." This little yellow pin cushion was part of an old sewing kit that had been left at the St. Mary’s Lake house by the previous owner. When Maddie was younger, she would play fetch with it for hours. In her old age, she simply carries it around in her mouth, pretending she’s brought home a dead chipmunk (I can only guess), all while screaming out this awful howling noise. We have to hide it from her most of the time because it’s so loud and shrill. NOTE: sometimes I give Maddie her Bag Toy when Doc. B. isn’t looking just to see how long Doc. B. can stand it.

She’s also witnessed many personal events and milestones. All of my siblings have gotten hitched during Maddie’s life. All of my nieces and nephews have been born during Maddie’s life. My parents celebrated both their 30th and their 45th wedding anniversaries. And here I am with my grandma and grandpa O. after receiving my master’s degree. Maddie has been there through the passing of all four of my wonderful grandparents and even for the passing of my great grandma Edna. By the way, Maddie doesn’t even mind if you get tears on her fur so long as you continue to pet her while you cry.

Maddie’s lived with me in two states (Michigan and Georgia), five cities (Battle Creek, Atlanta, Norcross, Avondale Estates and Decatur), and eight houses/apartments (St. Mary’s Lake, Westminster Way, Briarcliff Rd., Peachtree St., Stratford Dr., Mimosa Place, 14th St. and 2nd Ave.). Here are two forced photos of Maddie, Murphy and me in two of our eight homes.

And while I’ve gone off to every one of the 12 jobs I’ve held during the course of Maddie’s life, she’s had no problem staying at home to keep the bed warm. And not that keeping the bed warm would/should remind me of all the dates and relationships I’ve had during Maddie’s life, but I guess it did. However, unlike the states, cities and houses, I decided not to count them all. Why? Two reasons: 1) it would go beyond my ten fingers to try, and 2) it’s the relationship that I’m in currently that counts the most at this point in my life. Yes, ALL of the others have had an impact, large or small, but I want to be in this one for the long haul (hint, hint Doc. B.).

Here is one of my favorite pictures of Maddie. It was taken by a great friend who not only pre-dates Doc. B., but also shares my love of basketball and Jagermeister. Oh wait, that could be almost any of my friends – well, you…taker of the photo… know who you are. So here’s to Maddie, with a shot of Jager and a beer chaser, who in her 21 years on this earth has never had any qualms about where I lived, where I worked, who I dated, how much I weighed, how much I drank, how I dressed, what my hair looked like, what people called me, how depressed I was, how happy I was, or how old I got.
Cheers to Maddie on her 21st! What a colorful, wonderful life!
Wyz -you need to get your butt into town and cheers her in person!
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