Not much to write about - just wanted to share photos of our new fence that blends in with the arbor Katrina built (with a little bit of my Dad's help!).
Irony was the topic of my last blog and I must admit that irony was in abundance during the fence installation. The night before the workers came, I had been watching the Republican debates (yes, I do like to keep up with the competition that Hillary is eventually going to beat). As usual the whole immigration thing came up. There were the typical discussions of building a fence between us (or as "us" is commonly known, the U.S.) and them (Mexico). By the way, does anyone talk of building a fence between us and Canada? Probably Canada does. Anyway, I don't know where the pleasant guys were from that came to put up our fence but they were clearly of a hispanic backgound and one of them spoke only Spanish. He relied on the other to communicate with me except when he knocked on the back door to get my attention and then said: "you come?" He wanted me to come out and see how the fence was looking.
I just kept thinking about who the Republicans would hire to build that fence between us and Mexico?
Number #2 writing. A new fence always makes me think of Bing Crosby's song "Don't Fence Me In" "Give me land, lots of land undernearth the starry skies - don't fence me....." and the poem by Robert Frost - Mending Wall-1914
Something there is that doesn't love a wall,.... A lot to say about a simple fence.
hi M@, aka: 2nd most favorite city planner :) Nice to hear from you!The Robert Frost poem, isn't that the one that says something about good fences make good neighbors?
"Before I built a wall I'd ask to know
What I was walling in or walling out,
And to whom I was like to give offence.
Something there is that doesn't love a wall..."
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