Doc. B.finally did it. A tattoo. I won't go into the symbolism, the decision-making process, the location, the colors, etc... I'll just say, there's a tattoo of a chrysanthemum on her left hip. Malia, the tattoo artist, is responsible for the beautiful flower and I have a synchronicity to share about her.
When baby sis was in town a few weeks ago, we all went to visit the new tattoo parlour in our hood. It used to be a bad thing if such an establishment moved anywhere near the vicinity of your home - but not anymore. This place, called Ink and Dagger, was very clean and friendly - despite the name. We looked through some of the books that the tattooers had compiled of their work and watched Malia in action. A week or so later, we scheduled an appointment for Doc. B. and the rest is not history, but rather here and now and forever - unless laser surgery can remove it.
I travelled to Salt Lake City exactly one week after Doc. B. got her tattoo. Guess who was on the first leg of my flight and sat across the aisle next to me? Malia. Good synchronicity if you ask me.
I should mention that for the size of the Atlanta airport, I interestingly saw a lot of familiar faces on my way out west. As I came through security, I saw my Team Leader. He was on his way to Maine for a wedding. Then as I was boarding my plane with Malia, I spotted one of my favorite doctors from work. He and his wife were on their way to Portland.
Next time you see Doc. B., make a special request to see the new body art!
Hey - I don't remember authorizing publication of those photos, did I? Oh well, too late now - I'm happy to talk about the tattoo and the adrenaline rush of the experience - the less than taut belly is another matter : ) Thanks for sharing the experience w/me CLO.
Ooops! I'll make sure that does NOT happen again!!!
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