I rarely remember my dreams. I have to be awoken suddenly from one in order to have it stick in my mind - and that happened this morning. In my dream I was watching my youngest sister being interviewed by James Lipton on an episode of "Inside the Actors Studio" (ITAS). I was thrilled that she was on nationwide television as a movie star after having her Detroit Home featured on HGTV. And James Lipton was excited because he's from Detroit. I wanted to watch until the end, but the show wasn't over until 7pm and that's when I had a therapy session. For those of you who watch ITAS, you know that it's important to see the whole show because at the end, each celebrity guest must answer the inteview questions invented by Bernard Pivot. My parents said that they would drive me to therapy if I wanted to stay and watch until the end - so I did.
And I was glad that I did in that when James Lipton asked baby sis "what sound or noise do you hate?" She said, "the sound of George Bush talking" and I was so proud of her (interesting that, in my awake state the night before, I had actually watched Kyra Sedgwick say the same thing when she was being interviewed on ITAS!).
So when the show was over, mom and dad drove me to therapy. On the way, I tried to call my therapist to tell her I'd be late but for some reason, the number that I dialed rang at one of my old supervisor's houses. I talked to him for a while and then we finally got to my therapist's office. I ran in, huffing and puffing, and my therapist of course was all sympathetic because she knows how stressed out I get when I'm late. So she assured me that it was okay and that I could just sit down and that we would have a full hour-long session. As soon as I sat down on the comfy head-shrinking sofa, a cat came into her office and started meowing really loudly.
So that's when I woke up - at exactly 5:08am - with Maddie the cat meowing into my ear. I guess that loud noise is good for something - it got me out of bed on time to get myself to the gym.
Oh, and when I got to the gym at 5:30am, one of the trainers said "hey, I've been meaning to tell you that I saw you last week talking to some guy on the street corner - it looked like you were having a very animated conversation". Guess he saw me chatting with the drunk guy...
Wow, how did you know? That really IS my least favorite sound in the entire world. Hilarious.
Pretty funny huh!! I thought you might crack up at this one :)
This is #2 talking (um - I mean writing) I guess we can put Marla in the "I'm Not Ready To Make Nice" column!!
You must have had bad Chinese food the night before!!!
Happy dreams,
Your second most favorite City Planner
Hi M@! She for sure is not ready to make nice - and it doesn't help that she is listening to those Dixie Chicklets all the time!!! Oh, and is there such a thing as bad chinese food??? Ha!
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