I have a free service attached to my blog called stat counter. You may have noticed it at the bottom of the blog as it's what counts how many times my blog has been viewed. As of today, the blog has been viewed almost 2000 times (thanks to my family I'm sure!). The service also has some other pretty cool features. StatCounter can tell me if someone has done a search for a particular word or phrase and then has been directed to a specific posting I've written. For example, in one of my prior posts, I included the above photo of a loripetalum. Someone did a harmless google search for "photo of a loripetalum" and was directed to my site. You get the picture.
But who would have guessed that someone looking for porn would be directed to my blog? One of my prior postings was entitled "No More Pantyhose". Well, just last week, someone from Korea was doing a search of English language blogs and typed in "no panty" (do you think they meant "no panties" or am I reading too much into it? I guess they could have meant "no pantry" and just had a typo?). Anyway, I'm sure whatever was intended, the person was probably quite disappointed to come upon my musings about nylons.
Hmmm...I'm wondering if I'm now going to regret putting the word "porn" in a posting????
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