I took this photo yesterday morning. I'd been hoping to get there before the church changed the sign for Sunday Services and I lucked out. The image has has been stuck in my mind since I first did a drive by earlier this week. It's not just what the sign says, it's the barbed wire that's surrounding the sign and church grounds.
This place of worship is just around the corner from us, between our house and the East Lake Golf Club where Tiger Woods, among others (but who cares about the others), has graced the greens. So in between our house and the famed links, is this humble little church that is reminding us that we have a choice.
Right after I first saw this sign, I attended a dinner party at a friend's apartment. I let her cute, sweet (see prior post) boyfriend get off on politics and Rush Limbaugh and before I knew it he was talking about those people who are "pro-abortion". I laughed out loud thinking this was one of his jokes, but he was dead serious - as if this were the opposite of "pro life". It finally hit me. Do the "pro-lifers" think that anyone who is not in their camp is "pro-abortion"? Is this where all the confusion lies? Is it really that simple?
I've said it before in my blog and I'll say it again - I am VERY "pro-choice" but that DOES NOT mean that I am in any way "pro-abortion". I don't even know anyone who is, do you? My friend's boyfriend says that "pro abortionists" exist in the doctors who perform them. I seriously doubt these doctors get off on abortions. Yes, there are probably some, as there always are, but I bet the majority could just as easily be doing some other sort of practice in the field of medicine.
Today is both my grandpa's 90th birthday and my oldest nephew's birthday. I'm thrilled they were both born and that different choices weren't made. And I'm also delighted that this small corner church gets it. We have a choice. And while we'd all probably prefer to choose life if we came to that crossroads (as this church is suggesting),we can choose what's best for our own individual lives.
Here's hoping you are choosing what's best for you and your life and that you can appreciate (and/or forgive yourself for) the choices you've made in the past...
Isn't that wild! When I first read the sign, I didn't even think about abortion or the pro-life, pro-choice debate, which is, of course, the obvious subject of the sign. Maybe it's because I'm post-hysterectomy at this point, and the salience and relevance of a debate about how to use my uterus is less personal. It's all about me, you know.
Instead, I was thinking about living in the moment and how every moment is a choice for life. Spend time fussing about what didn't go well yesterday, and the moments it takes to do that are lost to you forever. Get caught up in waving your fist and yelling at the driver in the car who just splashed you up to your knees in puddle-water, and while you're standing there with one foot on the curb and the other in the street, you could get hit by a bus. Better to see it as an opportunity to take the rest of the day off, having been sent a sign from God or whatever karmic protector you take your clues from, bitch.
Now you're talkin'! Hey, did you just get splashed by a car while standing at the corner of 18th and R? Here's to more days off following signs from God! Long live the Red Cardinal Cup!
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