This guy comes up to me while I'm waiting on my MARTA train. He has headphones on, you know, the iPod kind. He holds out a wrinkled up sign that says "I am deaf" and grunts out the same three words. My first thought was, why does a deaf guy have on headphones? As I'm thinking this, he holds out another well-worn sign that says "can I have $1.00?". I patted my pockets and gave him the "sorry I don't have any" look with matching hand gestures. He then flipped over the sign and it said "OK, well, how about a quarter?". I dug into my backpack to reward him for his creativity. It reminded me of the disheveled guy on the Washington D.C. Metro that said to me "got any spare change"? I replied no and he responded with "got any spare credit cards?" I could only laugh and give him some change.
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