Mrs. T. and I were but two of the twelve people at work today. Most everyone took the day off, if not the entire week. It was even quieter than normal – so peaceful that on my breaks, I began to ponder life goals for 2007.
I asked Mrs. T. if she had come up with any resolutions and, without even a pause, she said "joy, acceptance, witness". She reported that this came to her recently while she was in a deep, deep state of meditation (as she sat on the deck of her friend's beach house smoking cigarettes and playing spite and malice).
My resolutions will likely be less creative and more to the point. Rather than a broad term, like "joy", I’m more likely to be specific (for my own sake) and try to hone in on exactly what it is that gives me joy. And right now, being lighter and leaner is giving me joy. So you can be sure that more and varied exercise will be on my list. In fact, a trainer at my gym showed up at a party that Doc B. and I attended recently. Like a good salesperson, she convinced me that I needed to add weight-lifting back into my repertoire. Yes, the yoga and cardio are great, but the weights will build muscle and help me burn more calories. Before I knew it, I was enrolled in four training sessions starting in January.
And rather than a wide-ranging word like "acceptance", I’ll narrow that down to precise examples. One idea is to keep writing this blog as a way of putting myself out there with the hope that others will still accept me despite what I write. And it’s also a way of being more accepting of myself – even if others don’t care for my opinions or thoughts. Not having to worry about what others think would be a load off my mind and heart.
And as far as being a "witness" - so far, the only goal I can think of related to that one is perhaps making sure I don't get myself into any situations that would result in the need for a witness protection program. I'll have to get Mrs. T. to better explain that one to me.
Good luck to each of you in finding joy and acceptance in 2007 – and thanks Mrs. T. for the ideas.
NOTE: See the new "View my FAQ" (frequently asked questions) and "CAST YOUR VOTE" buttons over to the right. Here, you can ask your own question(s) and/or see the responses to other people's questions as well as vote on stupid topics I make up. Have an idea for a voting topic? E-mail me and let me know!
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Sunday, December 17, 2006
My Sentiments

I took this photo yesterday morning. I'd been hoping to get there before the church changed the sign for Sunday Services and I lucked out. The image has has been stuck in my mind since I first did a drive by earlier this week. It's not just what the sign says, it's the barbed wire that's surrounding the sign and church grounds.
This place of worship is just around the corner from us, between our house and the East Lake Golf Club where Tiger Woods, among others (but who cares about the others), has graced the greens. So in between our house and the famed links, is this humble little church that is reminding us that we have a choice.
Right after I first saw this sign, I attended a dinner party at a friend's apartment. I let her cute, sweet (see prior post) boyfriend get off on politics and Rush Limbaugh and before I knew it he was talking about those people who are "pro-abortion". I laughed out loud thinking this was one of his jokes, but he was dead serious - as if this were the opposite of "pro life". It finally hit me. Do the "pro-lifers" think that anyone who is not in their camp is "pro-abortion"? Is this where all the confusion lies? Is it really that simple?
I've said it before in my blog and I'll say it again - I am VERY "pro-choice" but that DOES NOT mean that I am in any way "pro-abortion". I don't even know anyone who is, do you? My friend's boyfriend says that "pro abortionists" exist in the doctors who perform them. I seriously doubt these doctors get off on abortions. Yes, there are probably some, as there always are, but I bet the majority could just as easily be doing some other sort of practice in the field of medicine.
Today is both my grandpa's 90th birthday and my oldest nephew's birthday. I'm thrilled they were both born and that different choices weren't made. And I'm also delighted that this small corner church gets it. We have a choice. And while we'd all probably prefer to choose life if we came to that crossroads (as this church is suggesting),we can choose what's best for our own individual lives.
Here's hoping you are choosing what's best for you and your life and that you can appreciate (and/or forgive yourself for) the choices you've made in the past...
Sunday, December 10, 2006
Current Resident

Normally I don't even bother opening mail that comes addressed to "current resident". Do you? We're in the habit of quickly recycling all junk that graces our black mailbox. Especially this time of year when it's duplicate catalogs from stores I've never heard of, sale coupons for shops I have no intention of shopping in, and requests for donations of money we don't have. Besides, whenever I make one donation, I receive six more solicitations from that same group. I gave to the Democratic National Committee before the November elections when someone came knocking on our front door. I only answered it as I thought it was one of our neighbors - since no one else knocks on our door except Saturday mornning Jehovah's Witnesses. But then, after the elections, the DNC asked for more money both in person and via the USPS. I love the DNC and hope they keep doing their thing, but we're tapped out. I'm sure Doc. B., the "keeper of the budget", would have argued that we were tapped out prior to my original donation. But it was the sweetest, cutest guys that came knocking to ask for cash. Good plan by the Dems considering there are those who have questioned my assessment of what defines "cute and sweet" when it comes to men (yes, I'm talking to you Mrs. T.). Okay, so I have bad taste in men...but I'm sure the DNC could care less; they got my money.
Why I opened an envelope yesterday that was addressed to "current resident", I have no idea. Contained within was the attached flyer stating that "TitleMax" had been told that I, specifically, had been extra nice according to Santa's list. Or was it Doc. B. that was the nice one? I can't be certain since I am but one of the two current (human) residents at this address. Anyhow, this TitleMax place was willing to give me up to $5000 in holiday cash! All I had to do was bring in my car title and meet the criteria within the small print. What a deal!
Having been below the bible belt for over a decade now, I've learned that there is a friendly competition between the states of Georgia and Alabama. I'm not sure how it started, perhaps since they are both typically fighting to stay out of the bottom of the 50 states when it comes to literacy and graduation rates? Again, I can't be certain. Some of the jokes that have come out of this rivalry do make me chuckle though. I just heard this one over Thanksgiving: "Why do the Alabama Police have such a difficult time solving crimes? Because all the DNA is the same and there are no dental records". Another time I was playing BINGO at a fundraiser for Pets are Loving Support and Bubba D. Licious was calling out the numbers. When she called out "I-20", the whole audience replied in unison "the best thing to come out of Alabama" (for those readers outside of Atlanta, I-20 is the highway that cuts across Alabama and comes into Georgia). So with all of these Alabama jokes running through my head, I found the "small print" on this flyer amusing. I don't know if you can read it - try clicking on the image to enlarge it (?), but it says "Must be 18 years or older (except Alabama residents must be 19 years of age)". Does this mean that TitleMax won't trust anyone living in Alabama until they turn 19? Do they think that Alabama residents are not able to manage $5000 until they pass age 18? See, I always thought that the real joke about Alabama was that you could basically do anything when you turned 14: drink, drive, give birth, or marry your second cousin - not necessarily in that order, but may also occur all at once. See how easy it is to get sucked into banter between the states?
Hey, if any of you readers need up to $5000 for holiday cash, the offer expires on 12/23/06 and I'll split the $50.00 referral fee with you...
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