Target wasn't kidding when they created the slogan "expect more, pay less". Check out item number two on the Target receipt Doc. B. got last week. I had no idea that you could acquire a husband for the low, low price of just $3.99? Who needs "match.com" when you can simply walk into a Target store and pick up a mate. Now what was Doc. B. doing buying one? I'm not certain, but so far it does not appear that I've been replaced. And considering Saturday was our nine year anniversary, I'm happy that's not the case. Perhaps it was a gift for one of our many single friends? Truth be told, what's funny is that we were both looking at the receipt so that Doc. B. could flaunt what a great deal a lamp purchase was. We both just burst out laughing when we saw it.
In order to write a blog like mine, you have to be out in public or in the company of others in order to find material. Because of this, I found a recent Wall Street Journal article very interesting (10/5/06, "How Demon Wife Became a Media Star And Other Tales of the 'Blook' in Japan"). This piece examined how a weekly blogger's anecdotes about his "demon wife" have now become a blook (a book based on a web log/blog), a television show, a video game and soon a movie. The blog author is a Japanese businessman who writes about the awful things his wife does or makes him do. The WSJ listed some of them as follows:
* making him sleep in the living room when he caught a cold, and
* making him give blood in order to get a free parking voucher that was available only to blood donors.
He's reportedly received over $300K just by telling stories about what happens in his real life. He even spends more time with his wife and family because of it, just so he'll have things to write about. The Demon Wife, believe it or not, keeps all of the money he's made and gives him only a small amount as spending money. Afterall, she says, if it weren't for her, he'd have no front page news.
Once again, someone else's great idea that I didn't think of first - though there are certainly times when I'm sure I've been considered a demon wife...Perhaps it's Doc. B. that missed out on the opportunity...
p.s. Here is another great blog site that is quite creative, so much so that it has been listed as a "blog of note" on the blogspot home page: three beautiful things. What the creator does is a daily post with a list of three things that happened to her that day. Very sweet idea.
p.p.s. No, I'm not posting this blog entry from work - Like all good federal employees, I'm taking advantage of the Columbus Day Holiday to drink some coffee, play on the computer, celebrate that my European ancestors discovered that the world is not flat and appreciate that my Native American ancestors were already here when Columbus landed.
Your baby picture is soooooo cute! Love, an unbiased mom
Dear unbiased mom, please see last statement of today's blog entry :)
Love, unbiased daughter
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