The other day during lunch, my co-workers and I were sidetracked by that standard "been out drinking too much" game of "who's on your top 5 list?". Since it was a work day we weren't drinking of course, but the game surfaced nonetheless. For those of you not familiar with the rules, you make up a wish list of famous people for whom you'd drop everything. And since the liklihood of that happening is less than your chances of winning the lottery, there's no harm in this game. The people that make your list are there because you think they're attractive, you admire them for some reason or you just plain think they're cool. The list can change daily and it can only include people with celebrity status. For example, you can't put your best friend's husband on your top five list, that just wouldn't be right. Well, unless your name is Denise Richards and your best friend is Heather Locklear, whose husband is Richie Sambora. Wait a minute, I'm not sure how this game works if all parties involved are already celebrities?
I'll call mine the top four list because I can usually come up with at least 2 men and 2 women who would be on it. While my list members are generally in no particular order, I always put Sela Ward at the top. And Tom Cruise is almost always on my list even if he did put foot prints on Oprah's couch and name his first born "Suri". After all, what's not to love about a man who slid into every young girl's living room, in his underwear, to the tune of Bob Segar's "Old Time Rock and Roll". And then of course there was that seen he had with Rebecca de Mornay on the Chicago EL in which we were all introduced to Tangerine Dream's "Love on a Real Train", but I won't digress.
As for Sela Ward, I've always thought she was classy ever since she played "Teddy" on the television show "Sisters". She'll pop up on a show every so often and I was pleased to see her with a recurring role on one of my new favorite dramas, "House". Synchronicitously, when I was looking for photos of Sela to place on the blog, I read her bio and discovered she has the same birthday as my dad, lucky 7/11. All the more reason to put her in the number one spot.
The rest of my list changes regularly. Today, it's Ashley Judd and J.D. Fortune. Ashley is of course the sister of Wynonna and the daughter of Naomi. I just loved her in "The Divine Secrets of the Ya Ya Sisterhood" and she pops up on my list frequently. A newcomer to my list is J.D. Fortune. He is the new lead singer for the band "INXS" and he won this role on a reality television show - how cool is that. But he's got an awesome voice and I'm hooked on his song "Afterglow" right now - so that's why he's on the list at this moment.
Who's on your list?
I'm having trouble with my top 4 list but do know that one would be Mister Rogers. Do the celebrities have to be living? If so then Mister Rogers doesn't qualify. I'm drawing a blank on anyone else at the moment but will add to my list as I think of them. Can't wait to read other people's lists. Oh, #2 would be Matt Damon. I know Matt's mom Nancy and his Aunt Judy and would like to meet Matt. In fact in September I'll be at Matt's "cottage" on Cape Cod. Perhaps he'll drop in for a cup of tea. -:) Gee, that is two males, now I'll try to think of a couple of females. I know one I'd mention but first I need to know if they have to be living. Love, Mom
PS I kinda miss George Bush talking at me when I open up your blog. :-) Love Mom
Well here is the cool thing Mom, since it's just a game, you can make up your own rules. So I think if you want your list to include those who are no longer with us, you should do it!
And as for George Bush, I really enjoyed "him" for a time but then it began to seem too real! Plus, I didn't want to annoy the one republican who reads this blog for too long :)
There were some other video clips that I wanted to put in its place, but now I can't find them? Hmm....I'll keep looking as there was one that was pretty neat from the Blue Man Group. Remember when we saw them? Was that in New York or Chicago? xoxo
This is definitely one of my favorite games. So here it goes with explanations. Johnny Depp (he embodies cool for me, and he obviously wouldn’t mind the occasional cigarette I indulge in), Robert Redford in the 70’s (ok maybe he has lost “it”, but I am loyal and cannot leave him behind just because he hasn’t aged well), Ellen Degeneres (she makes me laugh. I can’t think of a better aphrodisiac), Matt Damon (I’m with you Lucy. By the way, can I come to tea?) and finally Zinidine Zidane (only because he is so controversial right now – I still believe he was provoked. By the way Zidane is the head-butter of World Cup fame).
Well, first, I'm glad that Ilyse, a loyal reader, finally posted a comment! Thanks for that, it makes this more fun for me! And second, I like your list. Especially Johnny Depp as number one and the whole cigarette thing. I know we both witnessed his presence on "Inside the Actor's Studio" when he had a stick lit through the whole show!
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