And we both know how sit in a car in a lady-like fashion (I call shotgun!)
Recently, however, the fact that I'm becoming my mother has hit an all time high (or low?). You guessed it, I'm finding Kleenex in all of my sweater pockets. This has been both a pleasant surprise and an annoyance so I'm looking for my sweet mom to offer any suggestions she might have up her sleeve (which is where I anticipate finding Kleenex within the next 2-3 years if not sooner).The pleasant surprise happened yesterday. I was serving on my last day of jury duty in what was an unforgettable, life-changing experience for me and my 5 fellow jurors. It was a lose-lose situation for the defendant and the State. We all teared up in the deliberation room at the conclusion of the trial - even the men. I was so glad to be able to reach into my sweater pocket and find a tissue waiting for me.
The annoyance part came about a week ago when I forgot to empty out the contents of my pockets before doing the laundry. I ended up with a couple of crispy one dollar bills and a dryer full of shredded tissue covering my clothes.
Oh well, I'd be happy to become even half of my beautiful mother. I can live with the annoyances.
SIDE NOTE: If any of you are voting in the DeKalb County elections this November, please consider voting for incumbent Alvin T. Wong. He was unbelievable and amazing during my jury service. Not only did he take care of us jurors like we were his very own children, but he made it a point to remember all of our names - first and last...not just the 6 of us that were selected for the trial but all 24 people who were on the original panel. I don't know how he did it. And, he gets bonus points for telling Kid Rock that community service following a Waffle House fight did not include his normal volunteer singing engagements!