I went to work yesterday morning and plopped my backpack in its usual spot on the side chair. There were so few people at work and it was so quiet that at around 9:30 I could hear my cell phone vibrating from inside my backpack. It was Baby Sis calling direct from the Washington, D.C. Mall. I was so excited to hear from her on inauguration day that as soon as I hung up, I called Doc. B. to share the news. Doc. B., in a classic channeling of Grandpa Albert, said "Why is she out shopping on such an important day?" I had to chuckle and pass out a big A+.
At about 10:00, I filled out my vacation leave slip and made my way to the inauguration. That's right, I was there! Right there cemented onto my very own comfortable couch, the one with my butt print solidly centered on the left cushion. The temperature was 68 degrees with no wind chill, but I kept a turtle neck on just so that I could better empathize with those that were standing in view of the Capitol. Rumi the cat also sat on my lap to keep me warm and witness history.
I saw Diane Feinstein introduce our new president:

It was nice to see Diane since I hadn't seen her since Christmas. That's when mom, dad, Doc. B. and I saw her in the Harvey Milk movie.
I saw Justice John Roberts feed Barack the wrong oath line:

Then I witnessed a great speech that included many favorite lines. From not apologizing for our way of life, to reaching out a hand to those who will unclench their fists. From proclaiming an end to petty grievances and false promises to picking ourselves up and dusting ourselves off (the latter is one of my favorite sayings from when Kali's boys were young!).

And I can't write this blog without a comment on Rick Warren's invocation. I thought it was going along well until he spoke the Obama kids' names in that weird way. It was just "icky" for lack of a better word.
And how cute was Reverend Lowery :) Did you see the cut to the president with a little smile on his face when the Reverend started talking about the colors of the rainbow?
The bottom line for me is "Happy New Year!" I felt like today was the start of a new year, a new era, a new everything. Or not? Because we still have Rush Limbaugh, hoping Barack will fail, to remind us that not everything is going to change with a new (p)resident in the White House.
Note: all photos courtesy of my AT&T, formerly Cingular, formerly Bell South cell phone and our 1995 Sony monster T.V. (who needs a flat screen plasma?!)