About a year ago, one of my old BF's e-mailed me that he'd gotten married and did I want to see the pictures. I of course wanted to see what his wife looked like so I replied in the affirmative. He responded that the pictures were on "Facebook" and that I could join this social networking website to view the photos. I signed up, approved of his lovely wife, and never logged back on again.
But then last month, baby sis tracked down my unusual name in the Facebook search engine and viola, I'm now a full-fledged active member of this phenomenon. So instead of being outside working in the yard during these beautiful October southern days, I'm on the computer checking to see who wrote on my wall, who's doing what right now, who joined what group, who became a fan of what, who became friends with whom, who posted pictures, and who's sending virtual mojitos to whom. I haven't quite figured out how it all works out, but I'm guessing that will come with practice.
Facebook is somewhat addictive for no real apparent reason but it has saved me money, weight gain and relationship strain. How you might ask? No yard work = no acquisition of my annual bout of poison ivy = no co-pay for a trip to the dermatologist = no shot of prednisone that causes weight gain and mood swings = no fights with Doc. B.
Facebook also brings out two potentially stressful things though:
1. people from your past
2. a bunch of insecurities
Once people find you on Facebook, they send you a "friend request" that you can then accept or reject. So far I've heard from and/or connected with people I went to high school with, sisters of people I went to high school with, people from my home town, and of course current friends and acquaintances. I haven't rejected a single friend request and can't imagine why I would - it's not hurting anything to say hi to a high school classmate that I haven't seen since then. But what if I were to send a friend request and NOT get a response or get rejected - yikes! That would suck! It would be like being the new kid at school all over again! Or what if you had no friends at all on Facebook? That would be like sitting in the lonely chair (that one's for you Leona).
Oh what the heck, I've made it through worse periods of my life, I guess I can handle a friend request rejection at age 44.
Oh, and if you know my full, one-of-a-kind name, and want to send me a friend request on Facebook, you don't have to be worried about rejection. You can be assured that I will accept your offer :)
Okay, Doc. B. and I are off to find a Vietnamese restaurant on Buford Highway. I guess I should write that on "my wall."