Several of you have forwarded me an e-mail over the recent weeks entitled "4 things about me." In it, you've told me four things about yourself that I may or may not have known. Since I so enjoyed learning new things about those of you who sent me this e-mail, I thought it might make for a good blog entry if I were to post a few of my responses. Plus, the number 4 has had great significance to me ever since a wise sage (redundant?) once told Doc. B and me that four is the number of "wholeness." It’s the east, west, north and south of a compass. It’s the fire, water, air and earth of the elements. It's the four phases of the moon. There are four letters in the number 4. And there are four states of matter (solid, liquid, gas and plasma) – that last one is for Doc. B.
Okay, I know, get on with the blog. Oh, but wait, here are the biggies: In September of this year I will turn 44 and less than two months later, our country will elect the 44th president of the United States. Perhaps I should have waited until 4/4/08 (Kali’s b-day) to post this? Well, now that I look at the date, I'd say 2/24/08 works quite nicely!
As always, feel free to post a comment or send me your own four things!
Four jobs I’ve had in my life:
1. Cashier at McDonald's (my very first "real" job with a pay check and my first contributions to Social Security).
2. Counselor at a 21 day in-patient Drug/Alcohol treatment center (should have been a patient!).
3. PEACH Program Supervisor ("Positive Employment and Community Help" - catchy name, eh?).
4. Food Kiosk Supervisor at the Georgia Dome during the 1996 Summer Olympic Games.
Four movies I’ve watched more than once:
1. The Wizard of Oz - "I'll get you my pretty, and your little dog too."
2. Pulp Fiction - "Hamburgers. The corner-stone of any nutritious breakfast."
3. Sleepless in Seattle - "A ho, A ho, my dad's been captured by a ho!"
4. Pecker - "Full of Grace."
Four places I’ve lived:
1. Ann Arbor, Michigan (where my very first basketball team, coached by my dad, went winless during the 5th grade season).
2. Wayzata, Minnesota (where I had my first and only fist fight with Cole Lindberg as his mother cheered him on from their back porch deck).
3. Washington, D.C. (corner of 18th and R at the International Student House).
4. Norcross, Georgia (where the house I lived in was used in the filming of a 1984 B horror movie called "Mutant", yes, you can rent it from NetFlix!).
Four TV Shows I Watch Regularly:
1. House.
2. The L Word (from NetFlix because we’re too cheap to pay for the movie channel it’s on – Showtime).
3. Grey's Anatomy.
4. Anything on HGTV.
Four Books that have changed my life (not necessarily because I personally have read them):
1. Our Bodies Ourselves.
2. The Bible.
3. Animal, Vegetable, Miracle.
4. Diet For a New America.
Four Musical Groups/Artists That I enjoy:
1. Seal.
2. Everything but the Girl.
3. Celine Dion (Yes, really – she’s the greatest singer in the world!).
4. Shawn Mullins.
Four Places I've been:
1. Toronto (many times before the age of 21, not so much thereafter).
2. The Virgin Islands (thanks mom and dad – this was for science credit while I was at Michigan State University).
3. The Adirondack Mountains in upstate NY (where mom’s parents had the coolest camp on Stoner Lake).
4. Amsterdam (My first big trip with Doc. B. about ten years ago).
Four people who email me regularly:
1. Doc. B.
2. My family.
3. Mindspring Spam Blocker.
4. Hillary Clinton, oh, and now Chelsea too.
Four of my favorite foods:
1. Pizza with extra cheese and green olives, with a Sweetwater 420 of course.
2. Universal Joint's buffalo chicken quesadilla, with a
Sweetwater 420 of course.
3. Mom’s tater tot casserole, that I'm certain would go quite well with a Sweetwater 420.
4. Anything Doc. B. cooks, with a glass of wine of course.
Four places I would rather be right now:
1. On Rachel's massage table.
2. Reading a good book on a lounge chair by the ocean.
3. In the love pit watching The Oscars with Doc. B. (I'll be doing that later this evening!)
4. Sitting by a roaring (contained) fire with a glass of wine (I did that earlier today!)
Four things I am looking forward to this year:
1. Hilton Head in April
2. A newly-elected democratic POTUS
3. A yoga trip to Guatemala in May - details to come!!
4. Petting Maddie into her 20th year.